Wildly Abundant Woman

Hi, I’m Jewal💎 

Holistic Success Coach, Mind-Body-Energy Practitioner & Spiritual Business Mentor for busy, over-extended women who are done sacrificing themself, their health and their personal life while they pursue a higher calling, start a movement or build their business. My gift is helping Femalepreneurs, ChangeMakers, Holistic Practitioners & Healers just like YOU – set up a strong holistic practice in their life, better manage their thoughts & intuitive awareness which in turn creates mental and emotional wellbeing, clarity & balance, and plenty of time & energy to fulfill their mission here on earth at this time.

With first hand knowledge of navigating life as HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)  with Sensory Processing Challenges (Stimulation & Overwhelm) and ADHD,  I am able to provide an added perspective on these very special, spiritually-gifted individuals & a unique approach to Success in all areas of life & business.

 Click below to book your FREE ‘Happy Healthy Holistic Prosperity‘ CALL where I’ll gift you a powerful 20 minutes and an action plan to begin your own journey to a healthier, happier, more harmonious life & your best, most expansive version – the YOU that helps CHANGE the WORLD !  ! !

Your Revolutionary Holistic Success Solution is Here! 

 Pillar #1: Holistic Health & Wellness – Are you ready to be your best, most vibrant self?

Do you feel that your inner mental chatter, emotional triggers, fears, doubts, & anxiety are holding you back from living a happier life?  Like you want to show up in life, business and for your family as the best version of yourself but can’t seem to get there because your mind is always in overdrive and filled with negative thoughts . . . you may in operating in survival, with chronic pain & fatigue always on the verge of your next panic attack . . . then there’s the insomnia . . . 

You are not alone.

Millions of people suffer from fears, anxiety, self-doubt & more, and it can be crippling to your success, health & vitality.

But you don’t have to live with that anymore. I have personally transformed, healed, & overcome ALL of these symptoms caused by poor lifestyle choices, misalignment and lack of purpose & self-love. 

I am a strong believer in taking a holistic approach to success and am honoured to be able to support you mentally, physically, emotionally, energetically, & spiritually..  After healing ALL of THESE in MYSELF, I have a toolbox full of empowering techniques, tools and simple processes as well as an understanding of the psychosomatic MindBody connections.  I also believe that a win ANYWHERE is a WIN everywhere!  You’ve put your happiness & wellbeing on the back burner for long enough.  Here we create & enjoy a beautiful, well-rounded abundance I love to refer to as Holistic ProsperityI look forward to sharing what has worked for me & all of my Sacred Success Rituals for Wellness that includes Energy Medicine, Transformational Breathwork, Qi Gong, Meditation, Journalling, Movement Medicine & more.

Pillar #2: The SELF – Inner Mastery, Self-Awareness, Self Image, Identity & Self-Love

It’s time to challenge yourself to become everything you were meant to be in a world that so desperately needs what only you can deliver.  It’s time to become who you were born to be and step into who you REALLY are in your fullest expression, your most powerful version because a better you makes a better world. 

Anyone who skips the self-discovery, self-awareness part of the entrepreneurial journey ends up lost and confused thinking their marketing strategies are to blame or something external. We need to dive deep and discover who we are OUTSIDE of what the world made us. So many of us don’t know the real us or what we really want since we are so used to running everything through the filters we learned growing up. Doing what is safe, what we should do, what they told us to do or like. We have to at some point strip away the layers and face ourselves with radical honesty, standing in our own power and making choices without shame or judgement.

Your Self-Image is like a thermostat and will keep you at a specific set point until you do the mindset work to raise it.  You can never out-perform your self-image and we will never rise above the opinion we have of ourselves. When people hit glass ceilings with income & business this is the FIRST place to look. 

Pillar #3: Time to Ignite Your Brand, Business And Lucrative Full-Time Purpose

Whatever your vision is in regards to size, whether you want boutique or Fempire, Freedom-Based or Digital Nomad, here we find a business model that is perfect for you, your family, your values and your unique qualities. Whether you are in the building phase or you’re ready to reinforce the foundation for lift off and expansion we wil give you customized support for exactly where you are at.  We can help with your branding message, signature offer, how to price, package, & position and really get clear on what is essential to your success, traction & momentum.  Maybe you’d like to make an instant impact with your introduction, better describe ‘what is it you actually do’ and be able to confidently communicate your value so you can finally ‘Charge Your Worth And Get It!’ ®
How about heart-centered, ethical sales & enrollment calls? Or the energetics of marketing? Would you like to supercharge & program your energy field so your most dreamy soul mate clients find YOU! ?

 I’m a fan of creating a freedom-based schedule, develop better energetic standards and buttoning up boundaries (what are you unwilling to tolerate anymore) right from the get go. We’ll have to develop self leadership and mental & emotional discipline.  So, if you are spending too much time at work (or spinning in overwhelm) I will help you CLARIFY & PRIORITIZE YOUR FOCUS so that you can make more, work less and get back to ENJOYING LIFE!

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